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Current News

  • With the JUPITER AI Factory, a central pillar of Europe’s AI infrastructure is being established in Jülich. Start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, and industrial companies will have access to Europe’s first Exascale-class supercomputer JUPITER. The AI Factory is also open to research institutions and the public sector. Thanks to the computing power of JUPITER, which will go into operation at Forschungszentrum Jülich in the coming months, AI applications can be developed, tested, improved and scaled faster than ever before. In addition, JUPITER will also receive a specialized inference module that accelerates access to AI models via the cloud. Several leading German AI institutions have joined forces for the collaborative project, including Fraunhofer FIT.

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  • TwinEU hosted the first public webinar/online TwInsider workshop on 6 March 2025, organised around the findings of the Deliverable 2.1, Exploring the challenges and opportunities of the adoption of digital twins in the electricity systems to discuss early project results with key external stakeholders.

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  • The city of Aachen commissioned the consortium, consisting of Fraunhofer FIT, IAEW of RWTH Aachen, BET, and GERTEC, under the consortium leadership of ENERKO, to carry out municipal heat planning in close coordination with the city and other regional stakeholders. The inventory analysis and energy savings potential analysis were led by FIT and IAEW as part of the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy.

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  • Under the theme »Effective Response to Cyber Attacks in the Energy Sector« the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy held the cybersecurity exercise »EnerCise II« at the Future Energy Lab of dena in Berlin on April 24. This exercise was designed for distribution network operators to practice cybersecurity measures and improve communication and networking among participants.

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  • Under the coordination of the Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy one of the largest consortiums to date within the Horizon Europe framework – with 75 partners – has launched: the »TwinEU« project kicked off on 15-16 January 2024 to create a concept of the Pan-EU digital twin of the electricity system. The kickoff meeting in Brussels was attended by 80 people in person and 100 people online.

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