
Blockchain-based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading


The core objective of the project was to develop an electricity trading model for a future decentralized energy supply system. A secure, local electricity trading platform based on blockchain technology was to be conceptualized and implemented. The platform was conceived as a cooperation model for technology suppliers, platform operators and participants, and distribution grid operators, aimed at creating a community that trades electricity among themselves, based on the needs of each participant. This information technology platform should connect both generation and consumption, as well as the use of flexibility for grid-service. In addition, blockchain technology was selected in order to automate processes and ensure data security.


Based on a sluggish expansion of the power grid as well as technological advancements, intelligent, decentralized approaches for the design of future energy supply systems are increasingly taking center stage. To ensure safe and reliable operation of energy supply systems, distribution grid operators in particular must provide grid-oriented services that anticipate interactions between the market and the power grid. With the help of the digital platform developed in pebbles, these services will be enabled.Darüber hinaus entsteht eine Identifikation mit Erneuerbaren Energien durch die Bildung von Communities im Rahmen von lokalen Energiemärkten, wodurch ein weiterer Ausbau von Erneuerbaren Energieanlagen angereizt werden kann.


Fraunhofer FIT has developed a market-based deployment planning model for decentralized energy conversion plants as part of pebbles. The simulation model enables the comparison of the market procedures elaborated in the conceptual design phase and allows a detailed mapping of different support policy measures of local energy markets. In order to make the results of the demonstrator's market procedure transparent both internally and externally to the project, Fraunhofer FIT developed a visualization of the market results. In addition, Fraunhofer FIT created a comparative evaluation of different algorithms for the blockchain component of the trading platform.

The digital platform conceptualized in the consortium was successfully implemented and demonstrated in a several months-long field trial.

Project Partners

Funding: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz


  • Siemens AG
  • AllgäuNetz GmbH & Co. KG
  • Allgäuer Überlandwerke GbmH
  • Hochschule Kempten