Provision of modular energy management solutions through edge automation of local substations in distribution grids


Increasing challenges for low-voltage grids

The decarbonization of electrical energy generation is being driven by the increasing use of renewable, volatile energy generation plants such as solar and wind energy. The further penetration of decentralized energy generation and storage systems (including electrical or thermal storage, hydrogen storage) as well as new types of loads (including heat pumps, electric vehicles in charging mode) expected in the future will pose a variety of challenges for distribution grid operators and companies active in the energy industry, e.g. energy supply companies. These include, among others:

  • Thermal stress on cable routes, transformers and switchgear with multiple changes in the direction of power flows over the course of the day.
  • Impairment of voltage stability due to an increasing proportion of volatile energy generation plants.
  • Management of the system at the load limit due to highly technical and complex work tasks that require a high level of staff qualification.

With demand for electricity expected to rise steadily, this means that innovative solutions and management systems must be constantly developed and improved in order to adequately meet these challenges.


Automation solutions for low-voltage grids

This project aims to address this challenge with a focus on regional low-voltage distribution grids. In the grid modernization measures required for this, the project partners intend to focus on optimized and automated grid operation as well as improved and grid-friendly use of flexibility. The solution to the problem is primarily seen in the development of cost-effective and modular digital platforms as well as advanced monitoring and flexibility management concepts that can improve the capabilities of the existing distribution grid infrastructure for active grid management and achieve an increase in the use of volatile energy generation plants.


The BEAVER approach

To implement the solution approach, the BEAVER project proposes a digitalization concept that enables real-time monitoring and adaptive, situation-aware flexibility management at the local grid station level, addressing the following key issues:

  • Development of a prototype edge and cloud automation platform
  • Development of cost-effective sensor technology/measurement data acquisition, such as EdgePMUs
  • Software framework for advanced monitoring and advanced flexibility management for the operation of the low-voltage grid as a cluster of energy hubs, in which each individual energy hub is managed by an associated local network station.

Demonstration of the approach in three use cases.

Project Partners


The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection - BMWK


Eaton Industries GmbH (Coordinator)

Es-geht! Energiesysteme GmbH

Fraunhofer FIT

Gridhound GmbH

ACS der RWTH Aachen University


SWW Wunsiedel GmbH

Avacon Netz GmbH (associated)

Dell GmbH (associated)

Linux Foundation Energy (associated)

ZukunftsEnergie Nordostbayern GmbH (associated)