New MANTIS research project protects critical infrastructure with quantum technology

Protecting critical infrastructure, such as gas and electricity control systems, against cyber-attacks is essential for maintaining public order. In the face of growing threats, the new MANTIS research project has been launched under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena. The aim is to protect critical infrastructures from cyber-attacks by using modern quantum technologies. In particular, measurement device independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is being investigated and tested using the example of gas control systems. The project, which has a budget of five million euros, was recently officially launched.

Compared to conventional QKD, the MANTIS project goes a decisive step further: it aims to develop a measurement device-independent and chip-based QKD (MDI-QKD). MANTIS stands for “Messgerätunabhängige QKD und sichere Systemsynchronisation für ANwendungen in GasleiTsystemen und kritischer InfraStruktur” (engl.: measurement-device-independent QKD and safe system synchronization for applications in gas control systems and critical infrastructure)

Gas network operators are legally obliged to operate a backup control system at a second location in order to be prepared in the event of a failure or compromise of the productive system. These systems are therefore continuously synchronized with each other. Secure site synchronization is essential and of particular importance.

In order not to disrupt the sensitive operation of gas control systems at grid operators by testing new technologies, Fraunhofer FIT is expanding its research control room at the Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy in Aachen. This includes a production system from PSI Software SE and the associated backup system from the same manufacturer. This research environment enables the MDI-QKD technology, which is being developed and made ready for use by the partners Fraunhofer IOF from Jena, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS from Dresden and the University of Münster as part of the project, to be tested under real conditions.

Together with PSI Software SE and based on the safety investigations of the experts in the field of quantum communication, Fraunhofer FIT will evaluate the technical requirements of MDI-QKD and assess the impact on the safety level of gas control systems. Thanks to FIT's many years of experience with control systems and their cyber security, the institute can make a well-founded assessment of the specific threat situation and security requirements.

Here you can find the link to the Fraunhofer IOF press release.