Fraunhofer Center Digital Energy

Digitization and IT Security for Sustainable Energy Systems

The Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy brings together leading experts from Fraunhofer and RWTH Aachen University in the fields of computer science, energy technology, and IT security research to promote a manageable digitization of energy systems. We develop IT solutions that support a sustainable transformation to a decarbonized and integrated energy system.

Our services include the research and development of new technologies, education and training to attract and train qualified personnel as well as testing and inspection services to ensure that research results can be integrated into products and services.



Project Launch »BEAVER«

Modular Energy Management through Edge Automation of Substations.


Municipal Heat Planning for the City of Aachen

The preliminary results of the municipal heat planning were presented to the public in the Aachen Eurogress.


Project Launch »AI-EFFECT«

»TwinEU« kicks off in Brussels with 75 project partners aiming to create a pan-european digital twin of the electricity system


Project Launch »InterSCADA«

Developing and testing open-source, modular SCADA systems for hybrid AC/DC-Grids.

Research for Businesses


Energy Systems

We research and develop cross-sectoral and climate-neutral energy systems of the future.



From more efficient grid usage through automation or intelligent grid control technologies, to reducing the workload of specialists through assistance systems, to CO2 transparency; we explore the potential of digitalization in the energy sector.


IT Security

Technologies, concepts and methods for preventing, detecting and responding to IT security incidents: We develop application-oriented IT security technologies for critical infrastructures within our own control systems.


Business Models

Decentralized generation, prosumers or local energy markets are just a few aspects of the energy sector of the future. Established business models must be put to the test and new opportunities for value creation must be found.