Julius Zocher

I completed my Bachelor's and Master's studies in Industrial Engineering with a focus on Electrical Power Engineering in 2019, with my Master's thesis titled "Development of a Method for the Operation of Topological Power Plants" at RWTH Aachen University.

Since then, I have been working as a research associate at the Center for Digital Energy at Fraunhofer FIT. Initially, I focused on the coordination of decentralized flexibility in the power system, particularly in the form of local energy markets (including the research project "pebbles"). Since 2022, my work has shifted to the planning of local energy systems. In this context, I have been involved in and led projects in municipal heat planning. In addition to developing methods for implementing municipal heat planning in accordance with the Heat Planning Act for various municipalities in different federal states, key topics include the construction of district heating networks and the decommissioning of gas networks.

  • Municipal heating planning

    Local energy system planning

    Operation of local energy systems

    Data-based energy system analysis

  • 2019 – present:  Researcher, Fraunhofer Center for Digital Energy, Fraunhofer FIT

    2022 – 2024: Part-time activity in the field of software development in the context of high-temperature storage systems

    2013 – 2019: B.Sc. and M.Sc. Business Administration and Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering, RWTH Aachen University

    Master's thesis: "Development of a Method for the Operation of Topological Power Plants"